Jamie KokotToday you can access the TIARAS GIRLS Conference experience for the TEEN GIRL in your life, right from your home! We are so excited to offer Tiaras in a Box. Our digital experience comes in 3 languages, and will meet your teen girl globally, wherever she is on her journey. Whether you its to intervene in her pain, awaken her to who SHE is, or bring an awareness to the statistics stacked up against her.


    Getting to you with the greatest love story ever written is our daily conversation. You keep us up at night. We wake up with you on our hearts. If only you knew, you are immeasurably loved, seen, valued, held together by the greatest LOVE of all. Jesus. He is our passion. You are our mission. Our royal conferences are designed with you in mind, whether they are digital live stream events, global conferences, or the dreams we are dreaming!


    When God gave us the vision for Tiaras, He said “Go from nation to nation….as I open doors, and tell my daughters I love them.” That is exactly what we have done with a beautiful team of volunteers. Whether we are putting together a royal conference in Guatemala, Jamaica, Belize, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Belize, or in the States, our conferences are designed with HER in mind. From the moment she walks in, we are expecting her with dresses, make up, nail touches, and an experience designed for a Queen. TIARAS will unravel music, the arts, Girl Talk, and relevant teaching to awaken her to WHO & WHOSE she is.



We are dreaming of pink & purple houses that will offer a residency program and take in teen suicide survivors, offering them a safe place where they can get treatment for their hearts, minds, body & soul. 

We are dreaming of pink & purple buses all over the US that will travel from high-schools to malls to everywhere there are teen girls, offering free on the spot 30 minute counseling sessions, as well as offering a Safe Zone for anyone battling suicidal thoughts, and spreading teen suicide prevention awareness as there is a suicide on the globe every 40 seconds. We want to meet our teens wherever they are with a message of HOPE & LOVE.